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My facebook feed is a nightmare

I joined the social network in 2008. At this time, I was in middle school; people were sharing photos and posting comments. It was great. The content I received was the content I expected. The platform has always been a way to keep me informed about music, movies, local events, etc. For example, 2 days ago, I learned that Arctic Monkeys announced a new album.

Nowadays, I still use facebook because of messenger. Family and friends use it although I would rather use privacy-friendly apps such as Signal or Element (Matrix).

So why do I argue my feed is a nightmare? I take my phone out of my pocket, I open the facebook application and then, the funniest thing happens:

A post of the Ancient aliens Theory facebook groupπŸ’©

We start with a group about alien theories.

Amazon Fresh facebook adπŸ’©

An ad about Amazon Fresh. I don't like Amazon. I thought you already knew that Facebook.

Screenshot a blackscreen facebook video.πŸ’©

This guy sells a $400 ticket for a 3 days retreat to guide you in discovering your truest potential, purpose and power. He describes himself as an awakening guide. He sounds like a guru to me, what do you think Facebook?

Screenshot of a facebook video showing backseat of yellow Skoda Felicia Fun PickupπŸ’©

A suggested video about a guy filming a yellow Skoda Felicia Fun Pickup. In the video, the guy has a baby voice.

Screenshot of a facebook post showing a guy making youtube videosπŸ’©

A suggested video of a guy making tech videos on Youtube. I'm into tech so it could make sense but this is not tech I like at all.

Screenshot of a facebook post from Pepco about road closuresπŸ’©

A sponsored post again? Did I break the Facebook algorithm or something?

Screenshot of a facebook video showing a bald guy wearing a headsetπŸ’©

What the heck? Who's that guy with this unbearable voice? Where did my friend's content go?

Screenshot of a gallery of facebook reelsπŸ’©

A gallery of videos from people I don't even know.

Video thumbnail: pet fishs, from $0.01 to $30,000πŸ’©

I'm getting pissed off. Who is this guy again? And why does Facebook suggest these kinds of content?

Screenshot of a video showing a woman working on a laptop with a energy drinkπŸ’©

A summary of what I hate about marketing. This post considers people idiots.

A crappy meme about cars, old cars are viril, modern cars are compared to waxed peopleπŸ’©

let's appreciate this misogynistic meme. Oh and by the way, I do not care about cars.

A NBA player roasting everyone according to the clickbait titleπŸ’©

It's the twelfth post on my timeline and still waiting for a friend's post. I don't even watch NBA.

A marvel meme from Black widow, it's about sex performances of different male actorsπŸ’©

Another meme about Marvel movies, no comment...

An ad of an electric flying insect trap deviceπŸ’©

It's getting worse than TV ads at this rate...

An anonymised facebook post with a picture of a stone houseπŸ‘

First post I would possibly be interested in because I joined this facebook group πŸŽ‰. Are you trying to manipulate me Mark or am I paranoid?

A facebook post with a picture a cyclist near Big Ben in LondonπŸ’©

An Australian shitposting group page talking about the UK??

Screnshot of a guy talking about influencersπŸ’©

Money Driven Dream. That's so me Mark!

Ad of Wendy'sπŸ’©

According to a survey conducted by Choconews, 82% of American people think it's a great fast-food restaurant. Yann would tell you the contrary.

Screnshot of a Video with a womanπŸ’©

Again, shitposting about people I don't even give attention to. What the fuck is wrong with Facebook?

Weird goodbyes album of The national feat. Bon IverπŸ‘

I need to check out what he's been working on these days.

anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ‘

A post about a facebook page I follow, very surprising, I was expecting another suggested/sponsored content.

NEA today postπŸ’©

I thought for a second the algorithm was working correctly, I almost had a panic attack...

Video of guy pouring champagn on cushionsπŸ’©

Shitposting video about a guy mad because people put some champagne on his $1000 cushions. What a sad life!

Little girl talking about Burning manπŸ‘

I follow this person, he's a photographer.

anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ’©

Sponsored facebook post of state farm showing a young man dancing in a backyardπŸ’©

Are you trying to convince me your insurance company is lit? Let me doubt about it.

Anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ‘
A facebook marketplace postπŸ‘

A friend selling furniture on facebook marketplace.

Anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ‘

Are you still scrolling for real?

A sponsored facebook post about an alcohol drinkπŸ’©

I wonder whether minors could see this ad on their timeline.

Anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ‘
Article from the Wall Street journal: If your Co-Workers are 'Quiet Quitting', Here's What That meansπŸ’©

What are you trying to tell me Mark?

A nurse dancing in front of her cameraπŸ’©


A meme with characters from Kuzco about MarioπŸ’©
Anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ‘

Skull shaver, a company selling products for shavingπŸ’©
Anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ‘
Anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ‘
Anonymised facebook marketplace postπŸ‘

A modelo beerπŸ’©

I don't drink this beer.

Video of Romain LanΓ©ryπŸ’©

The second time this guy is suggested. My position remains the same.

Video of a 2024 electric dodge challenger SRTπŸ’©

I repeat myself one more time, I don't give a shit about cars.

Anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ‘
Alchemical Records post about NFTsπŸ’©

La cerise sur le gΓ’teau: NFTs

Anonymised friend's facebook postπŸ’©

I think it's enough for today.

Why does it look so bad?

Have you noticed the crazy number of ads? How is it possible? Who on this planet could like so much shitty content seriously?

I have a simple theory: I think fewer and fewer people use facebook and prefer sharing content on Instagram. The fewer people using facebook, the more room for ads. This theory is the result of my observations, very unscientific though.

Any solutions?

2 years ago, I had already noticed more and more ads. Let's be honest a second: The ads are so bad and irrelevant most of the time but being confronted with them regularly is not without consequences. So I started reporting and hiding them:

facebook menu with 4 actions: save, hide or report a post

Unfortunately, as you can see, it has no impact, it's even worse I would say. A radical solution would be to get rid of facebook which also means getting rid of messenger, which is not an option for me at this time. Another solution is to disable your account. And good news: you can still use messenger even if your facebook account is disabled.

Summary of posts

#1Ancient Aliens Theoryβœ“βŒLink
#2Amazon Freshβœ“βŒ/
#3Dany Morelβœ“βŒLink
#4The Carz Pagevvβœ“βŒLink
#5Romain LanΓ©ryβœ“βŒLink
#8Random Reel videosβœ“βŒ/
#10Optimum Nutritionβœ“βŒLink
#11Mecanicien actuβœ“βŒLink
#13Marvelous world of fictionβœ“βŒLink
#15A facebook group I belong toβœ“/
#16LADBible Australiaβœ“βŒLink
#17Money Driven Dreamβœ“βŒLink
#29Guillaume Pleyβœ“βŒLink
#20Bon Iverβœ“Link
#21A Facebook group about musicβœ“/
#22NEA todayβœ“βŒLink
#24Trey RatCliffβœ“Link
#25A friend's postβœ“/
#26State Farmβœ“βŒLink
#27Another friend's postβœ“/
#28A friend selling a furnitureβœ“/
#39A post about a person I followβœ“/
#30NÜTRL Vodka Seltzerβœ“βŒLink
#31A post about sport newsβœ“/
#32The Wall Street Journalβœ“βŒLink
#34Wonderful world of gamingβœ“βŒLink
#35A friend has changed his profile pictureβœ“/
#36Skull Shaverβœ“βŒLink
#37A friend sharing a post about summer activitiesβœ“/
#38Sport news againβœ“/
#39A friend selling furnituresβœ“/
#41Romain LanΓ©ryβœ“βŒLink
#42Modded Detroit Car Showsβœ“βŒLink
#43A friend sharing some picturesβœ“/
#44Alchemical Recordsβœ“βŒLink
#45A friend sharing a post about soccerβœ“/
Total18 βœ“12 βœ“15 βœ“